Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Return

I've taken quite a hiatus from my short introduction to blogging, but I've decided I'm ready to jump back into it! With winter break coming to an end I'm starting to realize that although the time off has been beyond amazing, I'm pretty much ready to go back. Yes, it is true. Instead of feeling no remorse for sleeping until noon and doing nothing productive all day, I do want to go back to the days of sprinting to make it to class on time, freezing on the treks between buildings, navigating the caf "food"- a term I use loosely, living in a glorified closet, sharing a bathroom with too many people and writing papers until the sunrise. I'm sure that a month or so in, I'll look back on this proclamation and kick myself but for now I stand by it.
It is crazy thing to be transplanted back into a small town after living in New York for the past four months. I do have a new-found appreciate for the beauty of my coastal hometown now though. My friends and I have spent countless hours just sitting and watching the sun seemingly plunge into the water. The colors are breathtaking and I think it is crazy that they are organic, with no fancy photoshopping or artificial elements. It is true beauty. And yes, I do realize how horribly cliche and cheesy that sound but I'm going with it.
Well, I think I've reached my quota for ranting in one post. Basically the whole point of this pseudo-novel was to say that I'm using this return to school as a return to this blog as well!

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